July 20, 2017

Easy Stretches for Happy Legs

Fitness, Leg / Vein Health

Suffering from sore or achy legs? Sitting all day, exercising with incorrect form and genetic conditions can all cause soreness and tension in the legs. These easy stretches that will relax the legs and get you back on your feet in no time. 


The quadriceps, or quads for short, are the muscles on the front of your thighs. You use these muscles when you walk, run, lunge and more.

To stretch your quads:

  1. Stand with your side to the wall, placing a hand on the wall for balance.
  2. Hold your outside foot with your hand and lift the foot up toward your rear end, keeping thighs and knees together.
  3. You should feel a gentle to moderate stretch in the front of the thigh.
  4. Hold for 10–20 seconds, then repeat on the other side.


The hamstrings are the muscles along the back of your upper leg, running from thigh to knee. They help bend your knee and move your hip. These muscles are used when you’re playing sports, walking or running.

Your calf muscles are along the back of your lower leg. They help move your heel during activities such as walking, running or jumping.

To stretch both muscle groups together:

  1. Place your right foot in front of you, with the heel of the foot on the ground and the toes facing up.
  2. Hinge at the waist to lean your torso forward with a flat back, and bend your left knee slightly.
  3. Hold for 10–20 seconds, then repeat with the left foot.

Low Back/Hamstrings/Calves/Ankles

This stretch works your lower back, hamstrings, calves and ankles. All of these areas are used in daily activities and while running or biking.

To perform this stretch:

  1. Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
  2. Bend one knee and hug it toward your body.
  3. Slowly kick the leg up toward the ceiling, straightening and pulling it toward the torso until light tension is felt behind the leg.
  4. Point and flex the foot three times and perform three ankle circles in each direction.
  5. Lower the leg and repeat on the opposite side.

Hip Flexor/Quad Stretch

This stretch will release tension in your hips and the front of your legs. It is similar to a runners’ lunge. You can do this stretch with the back knee down, if you prefer.

To perform this stretch:

  1. Kneel on floor with both knees bent, shins on floor.
  2. Lunge right leg forward, so right knee is bent 90 degrees in front of you, right foot is flat on floor directly under knee, and left leg is still bent underneath you, parallel to right.
  3. Place both hands on top of right knee and press back hip forward, leaning into stretch, keeping torso upright.
  4. Hold for 30 seconds and release. Do three reps, switch legs and repeat.

Forward Fold

This stretch will elongate the spine and release tension from neck to hips. If this stretch doesn’t feel comfortable, bend knees more and/or place hands on elevated surface, like yoga blocks.

To perform this stretch:

  1. Stand tall with feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, arms by sides. Exhale as you bend forward from hips, lowering head toward floor, while keeping head, neck and shoulders relaxed.
  2. Let hands hang heavy or wrap hands around opposite elbows and hold anywhere from 20–45 seconds. Bend knees slightly and roll up slowly to release.

Butterfly Stretch

The butterfly stretch releases tension and builds flexibility in your inner thighs, hips and groin area.

To perform this stretch:

  1. Sit tall on floor with soles of feet together, knees bent out to sides.
  2. Grasp feet with hands and slowly lower torso toward feet, keeping the back flat and going only as far as comfortable.
  3. Hold for 30–45 seconds. Slowly release. If this pose is uncomfortable for you, elevate hips onto a couple of blankets and try again.

Am I a Candidate?

Determine if you are at risk for developing or already have symptoms for venous disease.