September 21, 2022

Yoga Poses for Beginners

Fitness, General, Healthy Living, Leg / Vein Health, Weight Loss

September is a busy month with national days, weeks and months spread across its 30 days. One of the more fun recognitions, both for your mental and physical health, is September being proclaimed National Yoga Month.

Yoga is perfect for the person looking to increase their mindfulness, both physically and mentally, while doing so in a calm environment. The relaxation techniques associated with yoga can lessen chronic pain such as arthritis, headaches and back soreness. Additionally, it can also lower blood pressure and reduce insomnia.  

If you’re searching for a way to manage stress, sharpen concentration and increase flexibility, muscle strength and cardio and circulatory health, yoga is a perfect option to obtain all of those goals. To practice yoga, you don’t need to have a certain fitness or flexibility level already — any beginner can partake.

To get started with yoga, here are a few poses for you to try at home, whether that’s inside or outside is your choice. For additional poses, visit one of our previous posts to learn more.

Easy pose

Sit cross-legged on a yoga mat with your hands on your knees, palms up. Keep your spine as straight as you can. Push the bones you're sitting on down into the floor — your "sit bones" in yoga-speak. Close your eyes and inhale.

Cat-cow pose

Get on your mat on all fours with your hands directly below your shoulders and your knees directly below your hips. Distribute your weight equally between your hands and spread your fingers wide. Inhale and round your back, arching it up as you lower your chin to your chest; feel the stretch from your neck to your tailbone. As you exhale, lower your back down all the way to a scoop shape as you lift your head, and tilt it back.

Downward-facing dog

In downward-facing dog, your body forms an inverted V-shape. Start by placing both hands on the mat in front of you, palms down; your hands should be slightly in front of your shoulders. Place your knees on the ground directly under your hips. Exhale as you lift your knees off the ground and lift your buttocks and hips toward the ceiling. Push the top of your thighs back and stretch your heels down toward the floor. Keep your head down between your upper arms and in line with them, not hanging down. If you notice your lower back rounding, try bending your knees to help lengthen your back.

Child’s pose

From downward-facing dog, simply bend your knees and lower your backside to your heels as you bring your chest toward the floor over your knees. Lower your shoulders and head to the floor. Place your arms along your sides, palms down, or you can support your head by folding your arms under your forehead. Breathe and relax for as long as you need to.

Baby pigeon pose

From all fours, move your right knee forward between your hands. As though you were doing a lunge, slowly straighten your left leg behind you, keeping the knee and top of the foot on the floor. Now rotate the right knee toward the right wrist and bring it down to the floor with your right calf flat on the floor and your right foot resting under your left groin. Lower your upper body over the bent leg, either all the way to the floor or resting on your elbows. Slowly inhale and exhale five times. Before you change sides, push back on your left leg to stretch the calf muscles. Repeat with your left leg bent and right leg extended.

Am I a Candidate?

Determine if you are at risk for developing or already have symptoms for venous disease.